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Changes and Fixes in Timekeeper version 1.36

12 February 2001

Changes and Fixes in the Program

TkProgram Version 1.36

Fixed a problem in the Member, Organization and Site forms which caused either a fatal error in Timekeeper or caused the new member to just disappear. This problem happened when using other forms like Attributes, Services or Address while creating a new Member.

Reorganized the tab stops for the Member, Organization and Site forms. They had been disrupted by the addition of new fields in these forms.

Fixed two problems with the Report Data button on the Reports form. On some systems a complete fix for the Report Data button will require getting a new full installation of Timekeeper and installing Timekeeper again.

Changed the Find Member, Find Organization and Find Site forms so it is no longer possible to make changes to the null Member, null Organization or null Site records. These records were never intended to be modifiable but it was possible. This change is related to the change in the Timekeeper Utility.

Changes and Fixes in the Utility

TkUtility Version 1.36

Changed the process used to convert old Timekeeper data to the latest format due to a report of a few members missing from a converted database. There was a way for this to happen because of null fields or changes to the null record. It is now possible for missing records to reappear with ???? in some of the name fields. Please check your converted data carefully.

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