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Timekeeper Customization

25 November 2000

To satisfy requests for changes to Timekeeper which would be of interest to only a few Time Dollar organizations a customization feature has been added to the Timekeeper Utility. This does not mean you can make any change you want. Instead it means that you can apply one or more of the supplied customizations to your copy of the Timekeeper program.

Unfortunately I have not managed to make customization work with the runtime Microsoft Access. You need to have a full version of Microsoft Access installed on your machine. If you have full Access on a different machine you can just move TkUtility and TkProgram to that machine, run TkUtility under the full Access, do the customization and move the changed TkProgram back to where you really need it.

This method of customizations is important to me because I can distribute to everyone the same base version of Timekeeper and the same list of customizations. I no longer have to worry about special versions which can easily diverge from the base version.

The current variants are:

Find by User Number
changed the Find Member for to allow find by user number.
makes changes to address nomenclature like postcode for zipcode and changes the paper size for reports.
changes Time Dollar to Fairshares.
Youth Court
makes changes Youth Court which is something being done by Edgar Cahn.

There are backup and restore buttons on the Customization form so the program can be saved and restored if the customization is not what you needed.

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